Sweating Increases Your Risk of Getting Intertrigo

Sweating can cause moisture to become trapped on the surface of your skin. That is why you are more likely to get intertrigo during the warmer summer months or if you engage in intense workouts.
Signs and Symptoms of Intertrigo
Intertrigo can happen anywhere where skin comes into contact with other skin. Some common places where it develops include between ทางเข้า ufabet the fingers and toes, under the arms, in the creases of your neck, under your breasts, around the groin, and the inner thighs.
Common symptoms of intertrigo include:
- Itching and stinging in affected areas
- Burning sensation in affected areas
- Formation of a symmetrical red rash
More severe cases of intertrigo may have the following symptoms:
- Skin that appears bright red
- Skin that feels raw
- Formation of cracks in the area where the rash is present
- The rash starts to turn crusty and scaly
- Affected areas start to bleed
Watch for Signs of Infection
Even though intertrigo is an inflammatory condition, it can create conditions that result in an infection. The constant friction that causes intertrigo can damage your skin. Damaged skin, which is usually warm and moist, creates the perfect environment for fungi and bacteria to overgrow. The overgrowth of fungi and bacteria leads to infection.
It is important to watch for signs of infection. The following are common symptoms that occur when your intertrigo becomes infected:
- The appearance of the skin rash changes usually. The skin will start to look redder and more inflamed
- A foul smell that seems to be coming from the damaged skin
- Formation of pus-filled bumps in the affected area
- Skin becomes extremely tender to the touch
- Fever